
In general you need to set a useragent for your application, start searches to get to know corresponding MusicBrainz IDs and then retrieve information about these entities.

The data is returned in form of a dict.

If you also want to submit data, then you must authenticate as a MusicBrainz user.

This part of the documentation will give you usage examples. For an overview of available functions you can have a look at the API.


To access the MusicBrainz webservice through this library, you need to identify your application by setting the useragent header made in HTTP requests to one that is unique to your application.

To ease this, the convenience function musicbrainzngs.set_useragent() is provided which automatically sets the useragent based on information about the application name, version and contact information to the format recommended by MusicBrainz.

If a request is made without setting the useragent beforehand, a musicbrainzngs.UsageError will be raised.


Certain calls to the webservice require user authentication prior to the call itself. The affected functions state this requirement in their documentation. The user and password used for authentication are the same as for the MusicBrainz website itself and can be set with the musicbrainzngs.auth() method. After calling this function, the credentials will be saved and automaticall used by all functions requiring them.

If a method requiring authentication is called without authenticating, a musicbrainzngs.UsageError will be raised.

If the credentials provided are wrong and the server returns a status code of 401, a musicbrainzngs.AuthenticationError will be raised.

Getting data

You can get MusicBrainz entities as a dict when retrieving them with some form of identifier. An example using musicbrainzngs.get_artist_by_id():

artist_id = "c5c2ea1c-4bde-4f4d-bd0b-47b200bf99d6"
except WebServiceError as exc:
    print("Something went wrong with the request: %s" % exc)
    artist = result["artist"]
    print("name:\t\t%s" % artist["name"])
    print("sort name:\t%s" % artist["sort-name"])

You can get more information about entities connected to the artist with adding includes and you filter releases and release_groups:

result = musicbrainzngs.get_artist_by_id(artist_id,
              includes=["release-groups"], release_type=["album", "ep"])
for release_group in result["artist"]["release-group-list"]:
    print("{title} ({type})".format(title=release_group["title"],


Compilations are also of primary type “album”. You have to filter these out manually if you don’t want them.


You can only get at most 25 release groups using this method. If you want to fetch all release groups you will have to browse.


When you don’t know the MusicBrainz IDs yet, you have to start a search. Using musicbrainzngs.search_artist():

result = musicbrainzngs.search_artists(artist="xx", type="group",
for artist in result['artist-list']:
    print(u"{id}: {name}".format(id=artist['id'], name=artist["name"]))


Musicbrainzngs returns unicode strings. It’s up to you to make sure Python (2) doesn’t try to convert these to ascii again. In the example we force a unicode literal for print. Python 3 works without fixes like these.

You can also use the query without specifying the search fields:

musicbrainzngs.search_release_groups("the clash london calling")

The query and the search fields can also be used at the same time.


When you want to fetch a list of entities greater than 25, you have to use one of the browse functions. Not only can you specify a limit as high as 100, but you can also specify an offset to get the complete list in multiple requests.

An example would be using musicbrainzngs.browse_release_groups() to get all releases for a label:

label = "71247f6b-fd24-4a56-89a2-23512f006f0c"
limit = 100
offset = 0
releases = []
page = 0
while True:
    page += 1
    print("fetching page number %d.." % page)
    result = musicbrainzngs.browse_releases(label=label, includes=["labels"],
                        release_type=["album"], limit=limit, offset=offset)
    page_releases = result['release-list']
    releases += page_releases
    offset += limit
    if len(page_releases) < limit:
for release in releases:
    for label_info in release['label-info-list']:
        catnum = label_info.get('catalog-number')
        if label_info['label']['id'] == label and catnum:
            print("{catnum:>17}: {date:10} {title}".format(catnum=catnum,
                        date=release['date'], title=release['title']))
print("\n%d releases on  %d pages" % (len(releases), page))


You should always try to filter in the query, when possible, rather than fetching everything and filtering afterwards. This will make your application faster since web service requests are throttled. In the example we filter by release_type.


You can also submit data using musicbrainzngs. Please use musicbrainzngs.set_hostname() to set the host to when testing the submission part of your application.

Authentication is necessary to submit any data to MusicBrainz.

An example using musicbrainzngs.submit_barcodes() looks like this:

musicbrainzngs.auth("test", "mb")

barcodes = {
    "174a5513-73d1-3c9d-a316-3c1c179e35f8": "5099749534728",
    "838952af-600d-3f51-84d5-941d15880400": "602517737280"

See Submitting in the API for other possibilites.

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